Ly’s Lies and Deception in His Own Words
(Elk Grove).- Over the last few weeks disgraced Elk Grove Mayor Steve Ly has said that he believes the stories of harassment of women elected officials in Elk Grove, Trustees Bobbie Singh-Allen, Nancy Chaires Espinoza and CSD Board Member Jaclyn Moreno. That is what the community at large heard from Ly.
The story changed when Ly appeared in two separate interviews with Hmong media outlets on August 21 and August 25. Then, he said to:
“The US politics is like this. Even though you are severely accused, you could only let them do it. There may be a lie or truth in politics, and the opponents are using lies to accuse and cause me troubles. About the lady who is having a problem with me right now, she is manipulated by someone who is recently competing with me in an election.”
“They are accusing me because they are not smart enough. They can do whatever they want, but they will never win. It is all political.”
“I must discuss with you and tell you that those are baseless accusations. This is politics”
“The entire rumor is only political. I would say it for you to understand easily. The US is a country of freedom of speech. It is only part of my opponent's political campaign to accuse me, so I do not need to come out and solve this problem. What I want to tell you all is that the rumor is not real. This is the truth, and please understand that it is only political.”
“The rumor is a lie, and I need to defend myself."
Below are full Hmong-English translations of both interviews done by court accepted interpreters.
Would the real Steve Ly please stand up? Does he believe the stories of harassment by Singh-Allen, Chaires Espinoza, Moreno and many others or not?
“I have full confidence that the Grand Jury investigation will gather important evidence like this and much more“ said Singh-Allen and added “Elk Grove residents are tired of this. They deserve an honest conversation focused on the issues that matter to make our neighborhoods better and safer. I look forward to talking about my COVID economic recovery plan to help working families and small businesses, about my plan to ease traffic congestion and more ideas to move our city forward together.”
“I’m sorry the Hmong community is in pain and is suffering. It breaks my heart when I hear stories of anyone in the Hmong community or any other community being the targets of racism and hate. I’m sorry that they are being mislead. And there is only one person responsable for that, and that person is Steve Ly” concluded Singh-Allen.
Over the past 8 years as a school board trustee, Singh-Allen has been a vocal champion for students of color, refugees, and immigrants. She has advocated for expanded resources and supports for the districts highest needs students. School district leaders like Jennifer Ballerini, President of AFSME Local(258), Maggie Ellis Past President of Elk Grove Education Association and Mary Deutch Past President of California School Employees Association support Bobbie Singh-Allen. They have had a front row seat on Bobbie’s advocacy, leadership and her commitment to equity throughout the district.
What Ly Says to the Community at Large
Please see below for screen captures of Steve Ly’s message shared with Sacramento/Elk Grove English-language TV, print and online media as reported by KCRA on 8/27/20. These are excerpts from Ly’s statement also shared with the Elk Grove City Council.